About Salem

I started a blog once before but never got past the first post. It was a excellent opinion piece about how to be a considerate customer, written just on the verge of leaving the retail work force. Now, about four years later, almost seven years into my marriage to Brandon, with one year old Salem and baby Declan due in July, my perspective has changed quite a bit. What I care about and talk about is different. That and we have a lot going on. So, I thought I'd share what's been going on lately, for those of you who don't already know, and because you might notice something a little different in the next couple of weeks anyway.

About three months ago, I noticed Salem's back was slightly curved when she sat up during bath time. I mentioned it at her 9 month appointment. Her doctor felt her back and her spine and recommended we get x-rays done but didn't seem overly concerned. The next week, we were at the imaging center. Her doctor called me a few days later with the results; Salem's spine was in fact curved and she had scoliosis. She told me she had already spoken to an Orthopedic Surgeon in town and he was referring us to a specialist at Children's Hospital in New Orleans because of the severity and her age.

After arriving at Children's Hospital about a month ago, we had an updated x-ray done before we saw the Orthopedic Surgeon there. She has what is called Infantile Scoliosis. He told us that her curve was at 60 degrees, where the most common curves in these cases are at 30 degrees or less. Because she is too young for any type of surgery, he suggested casting. He explained that casting would help her spine grow straighter, could possibly correct it some, but the goal would mostly be preventing progression. She would get a new cast put on every 2-3 months for the next two years and then we would evaluate when she is three. First, he scheduled us for an MRI to make sure there weren't any other issues or anything causing the curve. Thankfully the MRI results were normal, and she did surprisingly well with the anesthesia and the strict diet. We go for her first cast on April 20.

Common reactions we received when we first found out:
"Oh I knew someone who had it and they turned out fine."
"Yeah, I remember them checking everyone for that in gym class by having us bend over so they could feel our spines."

I even remember someone I knew in high school had it, but I don't remember it being that big of a deal. And I thought it was pretty common.

It turns out, Adolescent Scoliosis is actually the most common type, and the type most people have heard about. That's where kids can develop it around puberty. That is not what she has.

Because the spines of infants and children under three grow at such rapid speeds, scoliosis can progress quickly and be detrimental if not treated. However, early detection is important in these cases so I'm thankful we found it and are addressing it now.

Those are just the updates and facts. We know God will take care of her, whether that means healing her instantly or through treatment. Please continue to pray for her, that all appointments would go well, that she would adapt to the cast quickly and that the curve would be corrected.




  1. Continuing to pray for sweet Salem! Love you guys!

  2. My dearest friends, your family is always in my heart and prayers. Sending you some love right now!!

  3. So sad to read this. God's blessings for you all. I'll keep you in my prayers.

  4. Y'all are all in our thoughts and hearts. We are here for y'all ❤️ Be strong.


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